NETWORK UTILITIES (PING, TRACEROUTE, TRACERT) Table of Contents:- 1. Introduction. 2. Network Utilities. 2.1. Ping. 2.2. Traceroute. 2.3. Tracert. 3. I nterview questions for Network Engineer L1 asked from Network Utilities. Introduction:- Network utilities are software tools that help network administrators and users manage, monitor, and troubleshoot their computer networks. These utilities provide various functions to help optimize network performance, diagnose connectivity issues, and ensure the security of the network. Network utilities- Ping, Traceroute, Tracert are used to troubleshoot Network Infra, validate the connectivity and trace the path of the traffic or the devices through which the traffic is passing. Following are the Network Utilities:- 1. PING (Packet Internet Gopher):- Ping is such an important utility of a network, the purpose of ping is to check the connectivity be...