Types of ARP Table of Contents:- 1. Types of ARP. 1.1. RARP( Working, Drawback ) 1.2. GARP( Packet, Working, Uses ) 1.3. PARP( Packet, Working ) 2. Questions asked from TYPES OF ARP in the Network Engineer L1 Interview. · There are 4 types of Arp:- 1. RARP(Reverse Arp) 2. GARP(Gratuitous Arp) 3. PARP (Proxy Arp) 4. InARP (Inverse Arp) With the interview perspective only GARP and PARP are important and only these are being asked. So, I’ll explain GARP and PARP only. For the understanding perspective I’ll give a brief of RARP also but that’s just from the knowledge perspective and won’t be asked in the interview. Moving on with the types of Arp lets discuss them one by one. 1. RARP (Reverse Arp):- RARP as could be understood from it...